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Intelligent price analyses & proactive tips: How HYMER achieves cost savings in the 6-digit range

Supply Chain Actin medium-sized companies

Find out now & for free within 5 minutes if your company is prepared for the Supply Chain Act and if you meet all regulatory requirements.

An initiative of the Technical University of Munich and Tacto
Nice Numbers
Nice Numbers
The procurement operating system for medium-sized industrial companies

With the support of leading medium-sized industrial companies - you are in reliable hands:

The Supply Chain Act places a burden on procurement in medium-sized industrials

From the industry for the industry

Uncertainty about my company being affected

Directly affected are those with more than 1,000 employees, but large customers also pass on their duty to smaller suppliers - are smaller companies also affected?

Data science straight from research

Uncertainty about requirements of the law

There is uncertainty about specific steps and measures to meet the minimum requirements - what do we need to do specifically?

Digitize your procurement processes with one single tool

High burden due to additional due diligence obligations

Compliance - whether indirectly or directly affected - requires competencies & capacity, which overwhelms medium-sized companies - how are we supposed to manage that?

"Supply Chain Act overwhelms medium-sized industrial companies with far-reaching obligations."
VDMA (2023)

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