Since 2023, the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG) passed by the German Bundestag has been in force and entails severe penalties in the event of violations.
Medium-sized companies are also affected by the indirect reporting obligation and an even more far-reaching EU directive for all companies along the supply chain.
Not only the name of the Supply Chain Act is complex, but also the exact contents of the law and its implementation are difficult to interpret for many affected medium-sized industrial companies.
Find out now in this blog post how you can implement the minimum requirements of the LkSG quickly and easily in your company. In addition, you can find out in our Whitepaper which obligations the LkSG contains, whether you are affected by it and how you can easily and intuitively control the LkSG within your supply chain and comply with the minimum requirements with the help of Tacto.
Implementation of the LkSG
The LkSG requirements can be divided into internal and external requirements. On the one hand, information must be requested externally from the supplier in order to check his careful actions. On the other hand, you as an organisation must ensure certain internal structures for the successful fulfilment of the guideline.
Meeting external requirements through supplier self-disclosure
As a first step, relevant information regarding environmental protection and occupational safety should be requested from the supplier. This information forms the basis for successfully setting up a risk management system and conducting risk analyses. Adapted to the risk fields of the LkSG, questions can be asked on the following topics:
Environmental protection
Human rights
Occupational health and safety
Labour rights
Furthermore, the following certificates can be requested to guarantee the supplier's compliance with due diligence obligations:
This important information forms the basis for the fulfilment of the following statutory duties of care:
Fulfil internal requirements by setting up organisational due diligence structures
Some of the due diligence obligations also relate to organisational structures and processes that need to be put in place.
This includes:
We are happy to support you in implementing the LkSG requirements!