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Reverse price increases from recent years

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The reversal of price increases is currently a highly topical issue for many SMEs. After years of rising costs, the normalizing market situation now offers the opportunity to critically question unjustified price increases and realize cost savings. But how can companies make the most of this opportunity? The key lies in creating transparency and using data-supported negotiation strategies.

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Initial situation

In recent years, many companies have had to contend with extreme price increases and supply chain disruptions. The COVID-19 pandemic, geopolitical tensions and raw material shortages led to a seller's market where suppliers often had the upper hand. However, the market situation is beginning to normalize and it is time to act proactively to reverse price increases and prepare for future crises.‍


The shift from a seller's to a buyer's market creates a favorable starting point for companies to enter into price negotiations and question unjustified price increases of the past. Transparency is the key to success in this new market phase.

To effectively reverse price increases, companies must:

  1. Analyze the price history
  2. Building data transparency
  3. Negotiate proactively
  4. Managing risk
  5. Aiming for long-term partnerships

Cost modeling with Tacto

Tacto supports companies in mastering these challenges by:

  • compares commodity price indices with purchasing costs at the touch of a button
  • Cost drivers clearly visualized
  • Price demands quickly validated
  • Data-based argumentation enables
  • Optimal negotiation times identified

Would you like to learn how Tacto can support you in efficiently reversing price increases and preparing for future crises? Download our presentation "Reversing price increases from recent years: Using transparency to reduce costs".

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