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Webinar recording: Supplier development as part of CBAM: training and emissions calculations

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For the third quarter, it will no longer be possible to use standard values for CBAM reporting. Have you already trained your suppliers so that they can provide real emissions data from July?

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In our exclusive live webinar "Supplier development in the context of CBAM: training and emissions calculations" with Kendra Benkendorf, CBAM expert at Tacto, and Florian Findeis, Business Development at Tacto, we explain what steps you need to take in the context of CBAM and how you can develop and train your suppliers.

CBAM aims to create a level playing field and provide incentives for companies in third countries to reduce emissions. From the fourth CBAM report onwards, real data will be required and it will no longer be possible to use default values. Suppliers must provide emission values and other information at product level. Training on various calculation methods (e.g. measurement method, carbon balance method) is necessary to meet the requirements.

Suppliers face challenges such as a lack of awareness of CBAM, which often leads to considerable time pressure due to imminent deadlines for submitting emission values. In addition, complex data submission requirements complicate the process. Tacto offers customized solutions here, including the provision of training and Excel templates to fully prepare suppliers. This time-efficient preparation and simplified data submission results in a response rate of over 90% for CBAM requests.

CBAM report and timetable

  • Default values: May be used for the first three reports, thereafter only for 20% of calculations for complex goods.
  • Real data: Must be used for the majority of calculations from the fourth report onwards.


  • 2024-2026: Transition phase with optional external verification and without CO2 pricing.
  • From 2026: Mandatory external verification and gradual CO2 pricing.

Successful implementation and concrete goals

By working with Tacto, it was possible to define specific goals and save costs. These include

  • Increase in the response rate for CBAM inquiries to over 90%
  • Enabling simple transmission of emissions data
  • Reduction of the error rate in reporting

These successes have been achieved through targeted training and the provision of user-friendly tools that make it easier for suppliers to meet CBAM requirements.


Tacto takes a comprehensive approach to complying with regulations and creating future-proof supply chains. This includes automating manual activities, which makes the process more efficient. In addition, the transparency in supplier management ensures a better overview and well-founded decisions. Finally, compliance with regulatory requirements is simplified, allowing companies to focus on their core tasks.

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