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Webinar recording: Data-based risk management at YPSOMED: Structured supplier assessments as the key to efficient risk minimization

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Risk management plays a central role in today's purchasing landscape. Companies are increasingly required not only to identify risks in their supply chains, but also to actively manage them. YPSOMED, a leading manufacturer of diabetes care and injection systems, has met these challenges with a data-based approach. Watch our webinar to find out how the company uses Tacto's SRM software to create transparency through structured supplier evaluation and efficiently fulfill compliance requirements.

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The demands on risk management are increasing - supply chains are becoming more complex, regulatory requirements stricter and manual processes increasingly inefficient. Without a structured supplier evaluation system, companies lack transparency and a reliable data basis for making purchasing decisions.

YPSOMED meets this challenge with Tacto's SRM software, which creates a central database and enables well-founded assessments through automated risk analyses. The data-based approach enables the company to identify risks at an early stage, take targeted countermeasures and improve collaboration between the purchasing, sustainability management and compliance departments. In the webinar, Anne-Kathrin Dovoda (Sustainability Manager Purchasing at YPSOMED), Steffen Schneider (Sustainability Sourcing Manager at YPSOMED) and Karoline Rückerl (Head of Customer Development at Tacto) will show how these processes prove their worth in day-to-day business.

Regulatory developments: The EU Omnibus Regulation

The regulatory environment is developing dynamically in parallel to internal company risk management optimization. One example is the EU Omnibus Regulation, which entails adjustments to sustainability reporting and the application of the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM), among other things. The regulation provides for an extended transition phase for companies and increases the threshold values for reporting obligations. Despite this announced relief, it remains essential for companies to remain flexible in the current regulatory environment, deal with regulatory requirements at an early stage and proactively adapt processes.

Digitalization as a solution: structured supplier evaluation at YPSOMED

Before the introduction of structured risk management, YPSOMED lacked a clearly defined and standardized procedure for assessing supplier risks - particularly with regard to ESG criteria.

To meet these challenges and make risk assessment efficient, YPSOMED decided to digitize the process. With the Tacto software, a systematic supplier assessment methodology was introduced that enables structured and automated risk analysis . The approach combines an abstract and a concrete risk analysis, to evaluate supplier risks holistically.

The abstract risk analysis evaluates suppliers on the basis of general factors such as country and industry risks. This is supplemented by a concrete assessment based on specific indicators such as the Child Labor Index or the Corruption Index. The results of these analyses serve as a basis for identifying "red flag" suppliers and for deriving targeted measures.

A key advantage of digitalization lies in automated data processing and dynamic risk assessment. Supplier data is recorded centrally and linked to relevant certificates and ESG criteria. Thanks to the direct connection to internal systems, YPSOMED can retrieve relevant information with just a few clicks without having to rely on time-consuming individual queries.

Increased efficiency and better compliance documentation

By using the digital solution, YPSOMED was able to achieve significant improvements:

  • Central database: All relevant supplier data is available in one place, which facilitates cross-divisional collaboration.

  • Automated documentation: Changes in the risk assessment are documented in an audit-proof manner so that regulatory requirements can be reliably met.

  • ‍Fasterdecision-making: Structured visualizations allow risks to be identified and prioritized more quickly.

  • More efficient communication: The Tacto software enables direct coordination with suppliers and internal stakeholders, which improves cross-functional collaboration.


The introduction of data-based risk management has helped YPSOMED to improve transparency in the supply chain and efficiently fulfill regulatory requirements. The structured supplier evaluation in the Tacto software enabled the company to switch from reactive to strategic risk management.


The importance of risk management in procurement will continue to grow. New regulatory requirements and rising ESG expectations will increasingly oblige companies to analyze their supply chains even more granularly. The trend is clearly moving towards automated and data-driven processes that help companies to identify risks at an early stage and act strategically.

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